Calm Coastal House – Peel Street, Currarong
The Clam Coastal House house is an extensive renovation to existing house located on in Bawley Point.
The brief for the project was originally established over 7 years prior to the realisation of the project. The delay brought about several refinements, however the essence of the planning and base form retained true to the original idea.The house was to be a linear assembly of pavilions both single and two storey, to align with a northern orientation which was also the block orientation.The house had to accommodate a semi-retired couple with one partner, a well known cartoonist, seeking the seclusion of this isolated South Coast village, surrounded by National Park. The brief required careful integration with established landscape plantings on the site, following demolition of the existing cottage.The established plantings on site and on neighbouring sites gave a private, natural outlook to internal spaces and allowed the house to step in and out of the planted areas. An entry court deep into the site provides a sanctuary from the street.A single pitch skillion roof form raking to the south allowed high glass areas to the north with horizontal sun control louvres, and large roof overhangs.The house responds to the site constraints of slope, existing vegetation, orientation, breezes and neighbouring properties to achieve the principal functional layout requirements, these were to focus Living spaces towards the year yard and northern screening vegetation. Bedrooms and wet areas are grouped along the southern side of the linear plan, and lead to the western end pavilion, on the upper level containing Master Bedroom Retreat and Studio. The Entry access runs under the West Wing and leads directly to a terraced entry deck beside the inner sanctuary courtyard.The brief required maximised natural light and cross ventilation to spaces achieved with a variety of window and door configurations each suited to its location and function.This was achieved with a building that was expressive in its environmental control features and inclusion of natural materials that harmonised with each other and with the character of the site and its location. The use of selected sandstone facing treatment to the fireplace and its surrounding block structural walls.

- Currarong